ELDER LAW and ELDER CARE ADministration

With people living longer lives, greater numbers will experience age-related challenges, both physical and mental. Legge & Legge provides a wide range of legal and administrative services for people living with or anticipating mental or physical incapacity, as well as for their family and care-givers. The elder law lawyers at Legge & Legge can help plan for and manage issues that may arise in later life. Lawyers at Legge & Legge who work in this area are Mary Stokes, Christine Davidson, and John Legge.

Many of our clients who do not have appropriate family members in the vicinity choose Mary Stokes, John Legge, or Christine Davidson to act as their attorney or co-attorney under powers of attorney for property and/or personal care to ensure that they will be compassionately and diligently cared for. We also advise and assist family members who have been granted powers of attorney in carrying out their duties.

If you don't have powers of attorney we can draft these for you and create notarized copies for use by the appointed attorney. In cases of incapacity where there is no valid power of attorney document in existence, we can help family or friends with a guardianship application to the court.

Our elder care/power of attorney management clerk, Teresa Pelletier, holds a Certificate in Elder Law from Osgoode Hall Law School. She assists those clients who need our help with access to health care and home support services, including long-term care and retirement home accommodations.  Teresa also acts as a liaison with a team of free-lance personal support workers who provide any level of care that may be needed by the client either at home or in a retirement facility to live comfortably and with as much independence as possible.

Another aspect of caring for our clients with activated powers of attorney is ensuring that their assets are protected and made available to pay the client’s living expenses.  Teresa assists us in managing the finances of our clients, ensuring their bills and taxes are paid and that they are receiving any benefits they are entitled to, as well as preparing the accounting of all financial transactions on the client’s accounts. 

Our lawyers and staff are happy to make house-calls or hospital visits when necessary or requested.